Friday, February 11, 2011

It's a Brand New Day...

I woke up this morning feeling really refreshed and super happy and even (dare I say it...) calm.  

Sleep.  It's a good thing!

As our move date approaches, all of us have had moments of intrepidation.  Questioning if we are doing the right thing.  Hoping we have understood God's direction in our lives, and still feeling pretty frightened about the amount of change we are about to go through.  

Even a good change can be scary. 

But what makes me more certain that this is of God, is when I tell people we are moving to Nashville from the Southern California Rivera of Orange County, I routinely get, "Oh...reeeallllly?"  That rather benign question, with sarcastic tone, is generally followed up with, "On purpose?" OR "I suppose your husband getting transferred, right?" (which is a nice way of saying, "Are you nuts?! People don't CHOOSE to leave the OC!")

You would think that these types of questions would make me even more scared.  But instead they always seem to bring a smile to my face.  Because it reminds me, once again, that this is not something we did by our own initiative.  It was something totally and completely orchestrated by God.  And that IS comforting.  It reminds me that He has something BIG and very personal planned for us! 

And besides... I think Nashville is pretty awesome!  ~said with my hands on my hips in a don't get in my face stance!~

I am once again reminded of my life verse:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him, 
and he will make straight your paths.Proverbs 3:5-6 

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